Wynfield Amenity Repairs

Pool & Tennis Committee Chair – Jay Green
By Darren Chase, Wynfield President


For many years the Board has focused its attention on pool.  Jay has one primary pool responsibility and he does it extremely well…. Keep the pool clean and open all season long so we can enjoy it any time and every time.  Last year we hired a new pool contractor and enjoyed a great season of water chemistry and pump/filter maintenance.  We expect the same for our upcoming season.  Last year we replaced the rotting wooden picnic tables with many smaller metal table/chair sets. 

This year we are bringing in two steel frame/pressure treated picnic tables that will sit on the covered patio.  These tables will provide more space and seating for birthday parties and socializing.

The tennis courts are in rough shape, essentially unplayable. At last year’s meeting we discussed several options from removing the courts entirely to replacing them.  The very strong message we heard from the attendees was that Wynfield is a Pool and Tennis community and we need to get the courts fixed.  Replacing the tennis courts will cost between $60,000 and $100,000, an amount of money we do not yet have saved in reserves and that will take some time to gather.  In the meantime, we are trying to identify the best way to proceed.  No one on the HOA Board owns a racquet or has the tennis expertise to lead this effort.  We have asked for our tennis playing homeowners to help us as part of a tennis subcommittee.  This group is still forming and will spend the next year identifying all of the issues, developing plans for the new courts, soliciting contractor proposals, building budgets and eventually providing the community with a recommendation.  In addition to tennis, we will make sure the needs of our basketball fans are met as well as providing a modest playground feature for our increasing population of little ones.  Stay tuned for updates or let us know if you want to participate on the committee.



On Key

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